
My journey into this realm has been eye opening, mind expanding, and very healing. It is my intention that others will be comforted by the overwhelming evidence of life after death for all beings; the highly substantiated notion that our loved ones never really die, no matter their species, no matter their size.

— Kim Sheridan

Kim Sheridan grew up in Southern California, surrounded by animals of various shapes and sizes, and she fell in love with rats before society had a chance to tell her not to. As a young child, she was known as the “neighborhood vet,” often nurturing injured baby birds with an eyedropper feeder and a warm bed. She seemed to have an extra-special connection to animals and an ability to communicate with them. Kim spent her summers on her grandparents’ ranch in west Texas, where she developed special friendships with dogs, cats, horses, chickens, ducks, cows, and a special wild deer named Buck. Kim spent her free time drawing animals and writing about them, and she won numerous awards for her works. She also had psychic abilities she didn’t fully understand, and from a very early age, she was fascinated with paranormal phenomena and the afterlife. While other children were out playing games, Kim was often found dividing her time between nurturing animals in her care, and looking for evidence of life after death. She attempted to capture ghosts on film and tape, and she entertained family members with various other attempts at contacting the Other Side. At the time, it never occurred to her to include animals in her search for life after death.

As an adult, Kim’s life changed direction. First, she earned degrees in Psychology and Clinical Hypnotherapy. Then, she studied health and nutrition; earned a degree in Naturopathy; and became a respected health writer, researcher, and nutritional consultant.

Kim never outgrew her childhood interests, however. Her spare time was spent exploring the spiritual path, as well as volunteering for various organizations on behalf of animals. Being a devoted animal lover, she also operated a dog walking and animal companion-sitting service, and she began welcoming rescued rats into her home (which has become known as the Rat Refuge and provides sanctuary for a multitude of very happy rescued rats).

While grieving the loss of a beloved animal companion, Kim unexpectedly began to receive signs and messages from the Other Side. This led her on an incredible journey into the realm of animals and the afterlife, bringing her full circle to the path begun in childhood. Then, after the tragic death of a close friend, Kim realized that she was to blend her research on the afterlife of animals with that of humans, thereby showing that it’s all the same afterlife. Her side-by-side comparisons of after-death phenomena of both humans and animals demonstrate that the evidence is the same. In Kim’s words: “If there’s an afterlife for humans, there’s an afterlife for animals, because the evidence is identical. And based on the evidence, I can say with conviction that there’s most definitely an afterlife.”

Today Kim Sheridan is a highly respected and sought after expert on life after death for humans and animals alike, and much of her time is devoted to the care of elderly animals making their transition to spirit. She is a popular guest on radio and television; and she is an acclaimed lecturer and workshop leader, providing support to those in grief. She is also the founder of Compassion Circle, with a mission to expand the circle of compassion to all beings. Kim has been listed in “Who’s Who in Executives and Professionals”, “2,000 Notable American Women”, and “Great Minds of the 21st Century”. Her goal is to make the world a better place, and to teach compassion and respect for the Earth and all living beings.


To find out more about what Kim has going on, visit: